Dive deep in a private breathwork session.

In the intimate setting of a one-on-one session, you will explore the power of breath as a gateway to release and renewal. With a personalized approach, we ensure that the session is curated to meet your unique needs. Mentally, physically and emotionally.

Explore What Is Alive. In You. Deep Within.

About Biodynamic Breathwork (BBTRS)

BBTRS stands for Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System. It is a therapeutic approach that uses breath as a main tool with the help of supporting elements such as movement, touch, sound, conscious emotional expression and meditation to support trauma release and healing on the somatic level. Biodynamic Breathwork heals trauma by releasing core tension and supporting clients to complete arrested trauma-related fight/flight or dissociated responses.

BBTRS was developed by Giten Tonkov. It has at its roots elements of Wilhelm Reich’s body-oriented therapeutic approach, combined with techniques of Peter Levine’s Trauma Healing modality. The system is based on the observation of how tension is held and distributed in the body-mind structure. It is designed to break through layers of body armoring, inviting the release of mental, emotional, and physical blockages.

Choose Your Guide

We both have the same training as certified BBTRS practitioners, and we both share a broad range of tools we apply. However, we each add our own unique flavor to our sessions. And of course, we have different personalities and life experiences. To get a feel of us, read more about us here.

Carmen: During our one-on-one session together, I will integrate breathwork with elements of coaching and compassionate inquiry. I'm dedicated to create a nurturing and warm space where every aspect of you is welcome. And I deeply believe that this environment sets the stage for transformative experiences to unfold.

Christian: I base private sessions on what is present in you – the sensations in your body, the feelings that arise, the thoughts and words that come to you. My intention is to open a space in which you get to curiously explore your inner worlds, beyond what you already know. This exploration can feel wonderful, scary, joyful, sad, or all at the same time. Whatever comes up, I will hold space for it, anchoring you in the here and now. The main tool I use to support you is deep attunement and resonance, combined with intuitive bodywork. And whenever it serves the process, I bring in deep listening and conversation, conscious emotional expression, voice work, meditative practices, guided movement, mirroring or music.

The Logistics


We offer sessions in the Chur region of Switzerland. The following options are available:

  • Session at Lebensraum Spina Malix (located in Malix)

  • Session in Chur, close to the main station (Yoga Loft Chur or other rented room)

  • Session in your home (all you need is a space in which you feel comfortable and some form of yoga mat / futon)


Sessions take between 90 and 120 minutes. For the first session, it is good to reserve at least 2 hours.


We offer a sliding scale: 100 – 200 CHF per session. Give what you can and what feels like an appropriate exchange of energy for you.

Our sessions are not covered by the Swiss health insurance system. Payment is in cash or via Twint after the session. We can provide an invoice for you.


Sessions are fully dressed. There is no intimate touch. We will discuss touch and other boundaries before the session starts.

You must not be under the influence of alcohol or other recreational drugs during a BBTRS session. We only work with clients who are at least 18 years old.


Privte sessions with us do not substitute psychotherapy or medical treatment. Please consult with a medical professional if you are unsure about the suitability of our offerings.

Your Next Step: Book Your Free Intake Call

Ready to dive deep? We offer a free intake call (around 30 minutes) to get to know each other, find out what your intention is, and decide out together whether a BBTRS session with us would serve you. Of course, if you already know that you want to breathe with us, we are also thrilled to hear that.

To schedule your intake call or your session, reach out to us via E-Mail (contact@fullyalive.ch) or via text (SMS / WhatsApp / Telegram) to Carmen (+41 79 451 76 78) or Christian (+41 79 433 60 31).